Steps Towards Soulful Living

You will eventually drop this skin suit. What can you do while you’re wearing it to make your existence proud?

Realization is simply remembering who you were before this body. 

Joy is your real state. Bliss is truth. 

Fear doesn’t accomplish anything. Love is the only creative force. 

Allow others space to have their journey. Don’t confuse your mission with their mission. 

The truth resides in eternity. Until you can tap into the eternal you, you are not able to fully reach your potential.

There is no past, there is no future. Be present now.

Give others what they need to be healthy, not what they want. Sparing others from the truth keeps love and the ability to grow hidden beneath the soil of fear and insecurity. 

Honor your journey as if it is a plant you have to care for. Don’t over water it, but be attentive and respectful of it’s needs and not your own personal desires.

When we help others, we help ourselves. We are all closely connected and raising another’s vibration will raise your own. 

Fear is reactive. Love is deliberate. 

Live well,


Cultivating Healthy Relationships


Cracking the Code: Part I