Emotional Academics

Relationships can be our greatest source of learning. They assist us in gaining personal insight as well as learning how to navigate the human experience of interaction and emotional entanglement. There are a few helpful guidelines that I like to put into action on a daily basis. I use these as reminders and as means to keep myself balanced in my own harmonious garden of being.

  • 1. Do not place emotional expectations on loved ones. Provide the sense of freedom and individuality with your support, love and non-judgement. 

  • 2. Maintaining your own personal peace and balance requires an output of balance and peace. You get what you give. Throw what you want to catch.

  • 3. Becoming the person you want to be requires defining the role and committing to the act. This starts upon waking every day. Make the choice to select vs relying on patterns that aren’t allowing you to thrive.

  • 4. Make sure your first reaction stems from a loving place. Then, give yourself space to discern, but always start with love. 

  • 5. Listen with non-judgement and imagine the content as breath. Our minds must breathe and speaking is just that. 

  • 6. Don’t assume intent. Realize there are layers of thought and a lifetime of experience that dresses each passage of communication. 

  • 7. We are all on a journey of self exploration that’s dictated in part by the maps we were given early in life. Remember, we all journey with different maps.

  • 8. I am not responsible for anything that’s outside of my control. Proceed with love and an intent of service and let others choose their reaction and take ownership of those responses.

  • 9.  In the end, love and your enthusiastic energy is what will be remembered.

Live well,


Cracking the Code: Part I


The Art of Remembering